Free downloads for Mac computers

Yes it is true – Free downloads for Mac users

I always find it amazing, the large amount of free software available for Mac users. Some of it might be free versions to give you a taste for higher functioning paid versions. On the other hand, there is an awful lot of software that is full featured, that is completely free to download. All sorts of top end features can be included in applications, that are so good that you might not believe that they’re free.

Free downloads for Mac

Where do you find free downloads for Mac computers

In the past it was necessary to visit either individual websites for the developers of the software to find your free stuff. Or there were websites where there would be lists of free applications you could download. Now it has become more convenient with the introduction of the Apple App Store or the Mac App Store. We have one place where we can go to, to find a huge supply of free downloads for Mac computer users.

Within the Mac App Store you could find things such as, free logo maker software or free video recording software. If you wanted to download free photo editor applications, no problem, there are plenty to choose from. It is fairly simple to find the best free video editor in the App Store by using the search facility. Or what you could do is, to look in the list of the top free applications and it is quite likely that you will find what you are looking for. It is handy to know that all of the apps within the App Store will work just fine on the latest operating system from Apple.

Get your hands on iPad free apps

Maybe your computing needs have gone more into the realm of the iPad and mobile computing, in which case you can look in the App Store within iTunes. The iOS applications are kept in a separate place, but again there are huge numbers of them available for free. You will have everything there whether you are looking for free voice recording software, or you need to get a free photo editing program.My Computer

Make a logo for free with free logo maker software

One of my favourite programs for using on my Mac is Art Text 2 and I use it for a variety of design jobs. I could make a banner with it, a logo design or a web button graphic to use on one of my websites. You will be pleased to hear that now there is Art Text 2 Lite which is available for free in the Mac App Store. There are also plenty of other graphic design applications in the Mac App Store and some of them are available as free downloads for Mac.

The best free downloads for Mac users

Of course you have the basics for general computer use, available for free. Obviously you’re going to need to do some notetaking and for this Evernote, immediately springs to mind. It is quite likely that you will need to convert a number of videos and you have free Mac video converters available such as iConvert and Smart Converter. Of course there is no shortage of free Twitter clients for Mac and you can also download a free photo editor to enhance your photos, from the App Store. Don’t forget that you also have the built in free apps such as the ability to video record your screen.

Computer utilities as free downloads for Mac

I particularly like the Mac get things done software called Wunderlist, which is free. Then I also have an application called Alfred which I use as a Mac program launcher, very useful indeed. I use the screen capture application called Skitch on a daily basis and I would be lost without it. I like to use the paid application Byword or Writeroom for writing and editing text, but there is a free text editor called Textwrangler, which I would recommend if you don’t want to spend any money. NVAlt is a great text editor.

Other free Mac utilities

With the amount of information that constantly flows towards us we need to use applications such as Read It Later which connects to the service which is now called Pocket. This application lets you collect information from various sources, webpages, Twitter clients, both on iOS and also on the Mac and you can read it all later.

Your games as free downloads for Mac

You have the game called Pawn’d which will entertain you for at least a few minutes. There are games such as Mahjong, doodle hangman, Fantastic 4 In a Row Free and of course you will be able to find games to play like sudoku, computer basketball, bowling, Texas poker and so on. Some of these games will be fairly simple, while there may be others which will test your gaming skills to a higher level.

Free downloads for Mac are addictive

Because it is so easy to get your hands on these [free downloads for Mac], is it any wonder that you download so many of these applications to your Apple computer. Some of these applications that you download you will find indispensable and continue using them on a daily basis. Then there will be others that you might only use for a few minutes and will never use again. These applications could quickly stack up, filling up valuable hard disk space. If this happens to you and your Mac computer, then I suggest that once every month or so, you have a little bit of a clear out.

Leave a comment below to tell us which are your favourite free downloads for Mac. Are there any of these free Mac applications that you find indispensable?