Good and Geeky

Blogging on the Move

Blogging on the Move

One of the possibilities for blogging on the movies to use Byword. Another possibility would be to use Ulysses with which you can blog to WordPress and also to Medium. I did try an application called Blogo but that it didn’t really cut it as far as blogging was concerned. It was too buggy to use. I do have occasional problems with Ulysses when I want to send a post to my WordPress blog, but I think the problem is more to the installation of WordPress than is to do with Ulysses. Another possibility to get your words onto a blog would be to use Blogger and to use the specific application for that on your device. The same goes for WordPress, there is a WordPress iOS device. When it came down to it I didn’t really like how either worked out. I didn’t much like blog posting from within Safari either. It’s just kind of fiddly when you want to put in images. This was especially the case if you were working on a longer blog post. It was necessary to scroll up to find the button to insert images and then scroll back down again to make sure you got the image in the right place.

Blogging with byword

Byword is a really good writing application. It’s first and foremost a text editor. It’s available on the Mac and also on iOS. There is a really good synchronisation between the Mac and iOS and vice versa. This is handy if you want to start working on something on your Mac and then continue when you have only your iOS devices with you. I have written this blog post initially on the iMac because I could use DragonDictate for great dictation facilities. My next move was to open up on my iPhone to finish it off. From Byword you can publish to Medium, WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger and Evernote.

I tried to add this picture in Byword to upload to the website and it didn’t work. The app hasn’t been updated to iOS 11 and sent a HEIC type photo and it should have converted to .jpg.

Markdown in Byword

As ever I am the advocate of using markdown for writing. It is all simple text yet when converted it turns into beautiful HTML, or an e-book or a PDF or whatever the application you’re using will preview and export for you.


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