Good and Geeky

Getting Into Warp Speed With The Terminal

I’ve recently come across a new terminal called Warp and it looks a lot better than using iTerm. The only thing it doesn’t do is to allow me to use Power Level 10K to configure the command line prompt. It doesn’t look like it’s going to do that any time soon. I could change the command line prompt to starship which it does allow at the moment.

The command line area is better for working with the text. You can select whatever you want and change things easily. You don’t have to do things just by text you can also select things with the mouse cursor. There are keyboard shortcuts if I want to select something like a word or to the end of the line.

Each of the commands of youse are considered to be a block. Can you can do more things with these blocks such as either copying the command or copying the output. This is an interesting piece of functionality which could be useful. For example it would be a quick and easy way to get a list of files within a folder.

Although I’ve lost the Git information I had with Powerlevel10k, it is replaced with other git functionality which is included within Warp. Changes I’ve made in the ZSH configuration file the honoured within my Warp window. Things such as the default text editor I want to use. I have recently changed from using nano to using Neovim, it’s a little bit more geeky and I like it. I also still have the aliases I set up within the config file.

It’s possible to divide the app warp app into panes as well as tabs. This gives us some of the functionality we get from using TMUX, but not all. So TMUX will still be needed, but for some use cases you won’t have to use it.

I do like the command palette which gives you access to extra tools you can use. It also shows you the keyboard shortcut for the commands do you have available within that palette.

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