Good and Geeky

Hiding away in Scrivener

That is just about all I have time for at the moment. Hiding in Scrivener writing as much as I can writing the books I am publishing on Amazon. The two books I have put on there already have been downloaded quite a few times already and I have the third book halfway towards being finished and ready to publish too. As you might expect, the books are heavily Mac and iOS biased because that’s where I do my stuff. I work with DragonDictate writing the words until the evening time when my wife is asleep in the room next door and I revert to the keyboard again. I don’t want to keep her awake with me talking to my computer. Sometimes I wish I had a Macbook Air that I could take upstairs and use in a room where I could continue talking. I might just do that next year.

Diving into the nuts and bolts of PGP encryption

I like to use encryption to get privacy with my emails. very important in these days we are aware of what the governments are poking their noses into. I’ve got nothing in particular I need to hide, but I do like to keep my finances and my medical details to myself. I also like to make sure that I don’t leave other data lying around that the bad guys could use to steal my identity. There is a financial lull around the world and that drives people to do bad things if they need the money. I don’t have a lot of money but all the more reason to protect it by using a good password manager and also not giving any information away in the emails. So this is the basis for Good and Geeky Book

Affinity PhotoAffinity Photo

I tried out this app this week and I’m impressed. Not everything is working in the beta version but still works great. I can’t wait for the final version to be available because it is a seriously class act. Using it alongside the Affinity Designer application will be an explosion of creativity for me. This will be an excellent alternative to Pixelmator to use on the Mac. These guys at Affinity are totally committed to giving us top quality design software. I did take some time off from the writing to use this and I wish I could spend more time with it.

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