Good and Geeky

iOS Update 13.3.1 – Terrible!

Apple Watch

It's been a terrible update so far for iOS 13.3.1

I like to upgrade to the latest OS as soon as possible. Usually there are updates which are worth having. You always have the latest security when you go for the OS updates when they happen. Sometimes the behaviour of how things work also change. With this latest update to iOS I’m no very happy so far. The way the Watch and the iPhone are talking to each other has been less than ideal.

UPDATE: Good News

I am on the beta program for iOS and a couple of days ago I got the iOS beta update of 13.4.1 and it fixed all the problems. So I can use my Airpods again. Happy Days….

Annoying Notifications

My watch and my iPhone are having too close a connection with regards notifications. When I’m listening to a podcast or some music and a notification comes in from the watch the audio stops. This also stops some of my shortcuts from running. So when I leave the house to go walk the dog, I start a walking workout on my watch. If I’m already listening to some music or a podcast this audio will stop. Instead I get the audio coming from the watch for the countdown to start the walking workout. I really don’t need to hear that on my AirPods. The shortcut I have which runs whenever a workout begins isn’t working either. Before the OS update the shortcut would run and give me an option to listen to the music or podcast while walking. Now I’m not getting the shortcut displayed on the phone.

The way I expect it to work is, if I’m listening to something, that audio should continue. If any notification comes into the AirPods then it should be on top of whatever audio I’m listening to. My shortcut should run and I should get the option to tap on a podcast if I want to continue with listening to it. Or I can tap on music and it will change to music.

I have notifications which come in to let me know the camera at the house is changed from streaming to streaming plus allow recording. I’m going to have to turn off this notification because it something else which stops my audio from continuing. If a notification comes in from the watch and the phone about the activity rings, that also stops the audio from playing. I get a notification to say I walked 1 km and again the audio stops. It is so annoying having to constantly take out my phone and restart the music.

The way I expect it to work is, if I’m listening to something, that audio should continue. If any notification comes into the AirPods then it should be on top of whatever audio I’m listening to. My shortcut should run and I should get the option to tap on a podcast if I want to continue with listening to it. Or I can tap on music and it will change to music.

I have notifications which come in to let me know the camera at the house is changed from streaming to streaming plus allow recording. I’m going to have to turn off this notification because it something else which stops my audio from continuing. If a notification comes in from the watch and the phone about the activity rings, that also stops the audio from playing. I get a notification to say I walked 1 km and again the audio stops. It is so annoying having to constantly take out my phone and restart the music.

AirPods not working properly either

When I double tap on the right AirPod it should resume audio playing. Since the update this is not happening. When I double tap on the left AirPod I should be able to do a Siri command. This is also a little bit broken. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

How can Apple Get Such Simple Stuff so Wrong?

Sometimes I wonder if the Apple engineers talk to each other and actually use the products. Do they actually test how all this works together before they send the update out to the general public. Why do they have to leave it so rough and expect us users to have to tell them where they’ve gone wrong? Quite simply, it’s just not good enough Apple.

It might seem these problems I’ve experienced are only little things but when it happens many times per day it gets very annoying quickly. You expect an update to give you things which are improved. You don’t expect an update to make things worse for you.

Now, all we can hope for is that Apple will come up with some updates as soon as possible. We’ll have to keep our fingers crossed!

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