Good and Geeky

John Ashton Mac20Q Podcast 7

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This Podcast is with John Ashton from Bronte country in Yorkshire. John used to be a teacher and re trained to get involved in web design and graphics. He is working on a Web  site which is about the history of Bradford City Football club, called Bantams Past.

John has his own website called Ickledotco and he blogs on it about various interest and you should go and have a look. It contains all sorts, something for everyone. Radpidweaver,
Projects,television, Radio, Music, News, Food, swimming, travel, Art, local politics, Bradford, letters, Animals, Bookmarking, history, Macs, Blogging, sport, Politics, geese, education, creativity, social Networking, crime, language, twitter, WordPress, Writing, sleep, Blues, cats – all categories from the blog so that must give us an idea of the eclectic nature of the blog,

Suffice to say that Macs play a big role in all of this. John satisfies his creative urges using an iMac. He also has a recent post on his blog wishing the Mac a happy 25th Birthday.

Here is a taster from that post:

In 1994 I moved house, had a bit of spare money, and bought my first new Mac, a Performa, for around £1200. I loved it. Looking back it now seems quite limited with its floppy disk slot and lack of PC compatibility. Apple’s beautiful design specs had not yet arrived. Amazingly though, it did allow one to watch TV and by then I was beginning to dip my toe in the exciting world of the internet. I was also buying all the Mac publications I could lay my hands on: The Mac magazine, MacFormat and, of course, MacUser. My ‘toy shop’ of choice was (and still is) Hi Tec of Bradford (they too have an interesting Mac story – starting out in a parent’s bedroom and becoming a successful local company).

Amongst other things we talk about Fon and how you can use it to have wireless all around the world.

John - Self portrait

Enjoy the podcast….

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