Good and Geeky

Kasm Cloud Computing on Linode

Getting properly good and geeky using Kasm. This is a service which lets you have total anonymity online. If you need to do any hacking and you don’t want to let anyone know you are there, then this is the tool to use. The Ultimate Hacking Tool. I followed the tutorial from Network Chuck (See the tutorial below) and it was fairly easy to setup. Of course I did run into some small problems on the way, but I managed to get around them. Surprisingly I found I was able to use the Kasm workspaces easier on the raspberry Pi than on my Mac. I should have been able to get to the Kasm instances through Google Chrome or Firefox on my Mac but it didn’t work well. I was able to get past that problem by going with Safari. Then I ran into another problem where the keystrokes were not being recorded into the browser and I couldn’t really do much.

So I Went To The Raspberry Pi

On the Raspberry Pi in the standard browser I put in the IP address for Kasm. It was easy to get through to web addresses like a proper hacker. It got even cooler when I installed another operating system on top of that. Kali is the operating system you want to use if you’re going to do any proper hacking. If you want to do penetration testing of online systems and websites Kali is the one to use, as the tools built in are ready to do that sorts of thing. You can use other operating systems and add the tools you find in Kali but it’s easier just to use the tool made for the job. To get Kali started I went into the Kasm interface and into Workspaces. From there I could choose from a number of browsers, specific Internet apps such as Discord, Postman and even Only Office then there were other Linux operating systems like Kali and CentOS. You can even play Doom from within Kasm. How cool is that?

It All Started off with Using Linode Cloud Computing

I’m not going to do step-by-step instructions to install Kasm on Linode because that’s all in the video by Network Chuck. I took advantage of the link which gave me $100 credit for 60 days which means I can try this out for free. The cost of using the new node instance is $20 a month which means I can use Kasm and also try out other things on Linode within the time period for free. I have other projects planned to use with the Linode cloud computing service. There are other cheaper nodes you can use for only five dollars a month, Kasm has some minimum requirements. It’s all good clean good and geeky fun.

I left Kasm running overnight, why not, because it’s free. At least until I’ve used up say $100 of credit I have because of being a new user.

Ubuntu running on top of Raspberry Pi operating system

So this morning I’ve tried another work space where I’m running Ubuntu. On the desk top of this virtual machine I have access to a couple of different web browsers, Visual Studio Code, Zoom, gimp, Nextcloud. It’s all quite impressive. What I need is a way to connect to some sort of document sharing space to get documents in and out. The point of running a computer like this is the anonymity from the computer being hosted in the cloud and not on my IP address. If you need to do something nefarious or just secretively, then this is the way to do it. Obviously it all works a little bit slower because of the layers we are having to work through. When I log into Reddit, it thinks I’m in Germany because that’s where the server is located. It seems a little weird to be running a computer inside a browser. Quite impressive though!

Network Chuck Tutorial

A good thing to remember is that running on Linode the Kasam is totally sand-boxed. If you need to try out a link to a web site and you’re not sure if it could be dodgy, use this. It is totally sand-boxed and you can’t mess up your own computer if you tried.

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