Good and Geeky

Mac20Q Podcast 84 Paul Boag

Paul Boag of Boag World

Paul Boag

Paul started building websites back in 1994 when the web was simple and grey backgrounds were the order of the day.

Now he is the primary web strategist at Headscape and one of its three founders. Most of his day is spent helping clients get the most out of their website.

When he is not doing client work he talks and writes about web design. He speaks regularly on web design both in the UK and abroad. Engagements have included SXSW, @media, FOWD and the Highland Fling. He also hosts the longest running and most popular web design podcast over at

Between speaking enagements Paul is endevouring to complete a book as well as writing articles for .net magazine, Think Vitamin and other publications.

Paul Boag confessed to be a country yokel or Redneck because of where he lives, so we chatted about what it is like living or working in rural England. Paul though surely must be too tech savvy to qualify as a yokel anyway. he is a fairly recent switcher and said much of the change was down to the fact all his contacts at conferences were using sexy MacBookPro machines and he was embarrassed to get out the Windows laptop computer. Now that is part of the mac community we will forgive him his winding up of Mac Users in the past.

Paul runs a web design business and is well known enough that he is asked to talk at events like SXSW. He gave me a few recommendations for Mac software and iPhone applications. MagicPress is an application he says is good to use with the Magic Mouse but warns not to set up too many fancy touch commands for the mouse or it will get confused.

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