Good and Geeky

Round Tripping Final Cut Pro and Motion

FCPXI used to be a user of Final Cut Express which worked pretty well and was quite similar to Final Cut Pro version 7. Not too long after Final Cut Pro 10 became available I bought it and I have been very glad to have this software tool to use to help me create my videos. Many of the videos that I make our screencasts and I could do the whole job, if I wanted to, in my screen capture tool of preference, ScreenFlow. I have found though that although the editing tools in ScreenFlow are quite good, I do actually prefer to do the editing in Final Cut Pro X Motion. ScreenFlow makes it very easy to insert a transition, although there are some small tasks that do seem a little bit fiddly. Although having said that about ScreenFlow, I do find that once you really get into using Final Cut Pro X you can do things pretty quickly and efficiently.

Video editing efficiency in Final Cut Pro X

I quite like to have video animations at the start of my video intros and I find that creating these video graphics is very easy either using Final Cut Pro X or by using Motion 5. There is a link between these two applications that is easy to access from within Final Cut. All I have to do is to do a right click or a command click on a title or a Final Cut generator, for example and it will open up Motion 5 for me so that I can make any changes that I want to, inside of Motion. Once the changes have been made I can save the file in Motion and go back to Final Cut Pro and use that new video element.

Round tripping FCPX And Motion 5

In this YouTube video I show you how to do this round tripping between the two applications with some editing of a lower third graphic. What I wanted to do with the lower third graphic was to have the default text asking for the Like Click in YouTube. By having this lower third graphic already with the default text as required, it saves me having to make the same edit over and over again. Now that I have created a new final third graphic that I can access from the titles area in Final Cut Pro X, I have increased my efficiency at creating my YouTube videos.

Apple Motion 5 Tutorial

Learning to use Motion 5 by editing the pre-existing templates

Motion is used to create titles for Final Cut Pro X and it is also used to create effects and the generators that can be used more than once. Motion 5 is a video graphics animation application that does deserve to be an application all by itself and separate. The way that you use it is quite different from Final Cut Pro, but it is very good to have it there as a sister application to extend what you can do in FCPX. Motion 5 is a marvellously useful application for creative people in the motion animation graphics business and it is perfect for you to use to create stuff to enhance in your YouTube videos. Have a look in the Mac App Store at Final Cut for Mac or get a free trial to try from Apple. Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5 are a great team to have working for you on your Mac.

Starting off in Final Cut Pro by using the titles, effects, transitions and generators that are available to download after you have bought the application, gives you a good start. It shouldn’t take long though, before you are looking to make something that is completely original, that will give your videos something to help them stand out from the crowd. This is where an application like Motion 5 excels. In this Motion 5 tutorial I think you will see the usefulness of the application as used in conjunction with Final Cut editing for making your viral video for YouTube.

 Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5

Cutting video is an art and yet easy to do in Final Cut Motion and you will end up with Final Cut video ready to export and upload. Motion Final Cut are super tools to give you motion video that you can upload to YouTube. I have to say I am very pleased with the new Final Cut Pro video Motion applications. Better than using Final Cut 7. What is video pro x?

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