Good and Geeky

Setting Up a Django Project: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you ready to dive into the world of Django and set up a project from scratch? Join me on this step-by-step journey as I walk you through the process of creating a Django project, from setting up the environment to integrating authentication via Django All Auth.

If you’re venturing into Django development or looking for a structured approach to set up a project, this guide will be your go-to resource. Let’s break it down into manageable steps.

Setting Up the Development Environment

First things first, creating a folder structure and setting up a virtual environment is crucial for a clean development workflow. Dave, a seasoned Django developer, shares his preferred way to do this using terminal applications like Warp and VS Code.

Installing Django and Essential Packages

Dave starts by creating a virtual environment and installing Django 5. Additionally, he introduces Django-environ for handling environment variables and Pillow for image handling. The step-by-step installation of these packages is detailed to ensure a comprehensive setup.

Initializing Django and Creating the Core

With Django installed, Dave initiates the Django project, focusing on the core structure. He explains the reasoning behind using specific naming conventions and avoiding unnecessary subfolders to maintain project clarity.

Creating a Django App

Moving forward, Dave demonstrates how to create a Django app, named “Sponditious,” within the project. He uses terminal commands and showcases the folder structure created by Django for the app.

Configuring URLs and Views

The configuration of URLs and views within the Django app is critical for routing and rendering content. Dave meticulously guides you through creating URL patterns and corresponding views for the app’s functionality.

Implementing Templates and HTML Files

A critical aspect of web development involves creating templates (HTML files) to render content. Dave explains the process of setting up the template directories and creating basic HTML files for the Django app.

Securing Secrets with .env Files

Protecting sensitive information like secret keys is paramount. Dave demonstrates how to use .env files to store confidential data securely, utilizing Django-environ to access these variables within the Django settings.

Integrating Django All Auth for Authentication

Dave goes above and beyond by introducing Django All Auth, enabling users to log in using Facebook or other social accounts. He outlines the installation process, configuration in, and the necessary steps to integrate social login features.

Version Control and Deployment Preparation

Finally, Dave illustrates version controlling with Git, setting up a repository on GitHub, and explains the process of pushing the local Django project to the remote repository.


By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll have a fully functional Django project set up, complete with authentication features using Django All Auth. You’ll be equipped to expand and customize this base to suit your specific web development needs.

Dave’s detailed walkthrough provides a solid foundation for starting your Django journey. With this guide, you’re primed to explore Django further, customize your projects, and embark on creating robust web applications!

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