Good and Geeky

Shortcuts Tutorial – How To Create A Shortcut

Buy The Book – The Perfect Blog Post

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Takes time and energy to run site and write. I do it because I like doing it. How about showing your appreciation by buying one of the Good and Geeky books. I’d really appreciate it I have books ranging in price from 99 cents or pence up to €4.99. Thanks if you can do the equivalent of buying me a cup of tea, or coffee if you’re that way inclined. I appreciate whatever you can afford.

I have books ranging in price from 99 cents or pence up to €4.99. Thanks if you can do the equivalent of buying me a cup of tea, or coffee if you’re that way inclined. I appreciate whatever you can afford.

When you’re making the perfect blog post there are a lot of moving parts. It would be easy to forget one or two pieces of the process as you go about putting it all together. I think it’s a good idea to have a list of all that needs to be done and to use it. In this video I show you how to use Shortcuts, the app from Apple to automate making your list in Reminders. Here is a shortcuts tutorial. It would also be possible to change this shortcut to send the list into something else like Omnifocus, things or one of the other GTD applications.
I like using this method of making the list because it allows me to choose which of my blogs I am working with. It lets me decide if I’m going to do the full Monty which includes audio and video. All I can just create a blog post using just text, text with audio or text with video.

Lists in Shortcuts

Shortcuts tutorial – Within this we used the list method of choosing from two items and created variables based upon the choice. I also used a menu to give me a set of four choices and the shortcut builds it all from there. We needed to add a couple of dates. It needed the date for today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and for one week. This allowed me to set the reminders with a due date. It’s possible then to look into reminders and see what is scheduled. This way you can plan out your day or even your week.

It’s quite satisfying to have a list of tasks to be completed and to see the list becoming smaller as you get the job done. The first part of this shortcut puts together the list with regard to the creation of the perfect blog post. The second part of the list adds three more reminders to cover extra social network posts to tell the world about your blog post.

Follow the Recipe

You can follow this recipe in this shortcuts tutorial for making a similar, more version of the shortcut. Or you can download the pre-made shortcut to your iOS device, make minimal changes to fit your purpose.

Simple List Instead?

Shortcuts tutorial. If you don’t want an automated way of creating your list of tasks you can use something like Drafts. Use a simple list syntax instead. This gives you a very simple list to work with and no dates. There is also the notes application in which you can create a list, but again you don’t get any due dates. The good thing about using this automated list creation as you see in this video is that it is free. You can download the Shortcuts app for free and reminders is already installed on your system. If you don’t mind paying for some software you might look at Omnifocus. I might make another version of this shortcut that sends the list into Omnifocus instead. I already have a Drafts action which takes a list and sends it into Omnifocus. The Shortcuts way of doing it is preferable. It allows you to choose which parts of the full list are relevant to the project you have in mind.

Automation on the Mac with KeySmith

Buy The Book – The Perfect Blog Post
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