Good and Geeky

Ulysses WordPress Publishing on your Mac or iOS computer

Update to Ulysses writer software

Ulysses WordPress Publishing on the Mac. I tried out the update on the iPad Pro first and I was pleased to see that the Ulysses WordPress Publishing works pretty good. I tried it with putting pictures into the blog post and the picture didn’t get uploaded with the post. I don’t know if it is supposed to be sent with the text. I’ll ask the developers. It works quite well that I can send to WordPress as a draft and do the finishing off on the actual website. This will allow me to set up the SEO preferences for the post using the plug-in for SEO. I want to checkout and find out what other updates are included within the latest update to this excellent application for writers. Ulysses is one of the great Mac Apps to use alongside an iOS version.

Ulysses WordPress Publishing

To get this set up all you need to do is to put in the URL to the WordPress website along with the username and password. It takes a little while to log in and then after that you can do your posting directly to WordPress. This works with your own hosted WordPress site and will also work with One way to set this up on the Mac is to go into the preferences. Go to the accounts tab of preferences in the same place where you have your Medium account if you have that set up already. At the bottom of that left-hand side click on the plus button. You’ll be given a pop-up when you can choose from Medium, or a custom WordPress. The next thing you’ll see is the login to use your WordPress account. Add the URL, the username and password and login. The other way to get to all of this set up is to show the preview sheet for the document you’re working on. Usually it shows the last type of export you used such as HTML or text. In the top menu bar click in the centre and choose publishing. Just under that there is another drop-down menu given you access to any of the WordPress or medium websites you’ve set up already. If the one you want isn’t set up, just click on the manage and that will take you into the accounts preferences for Ulysses.

Ulysses WordPress Publishing

The preview of your blog post in Ulysses

There is a preview and you could set one up to match perfectly whatever you are using in your WordPress setup. It’s not too difficult to create themes to use in Ulysses. You’ll get a dialogue box asking for the title for your blog post. Underneath that you can choose the schedule for the blog post. You can choose immediately or for a specific date. Often you’ll publish directly, but sometimes you might want to send it to your website as a draft. I like to send blog posts from Ulysses as a draft which gives me a chance to set up the search engine optimisation for the post. The other options are for setting up categories, tags and format.

Showing the details of your blog post

When working with Ulysses WordPress Publishing Click on the button to show details and you’ll see where you can set up an excerpt, featured image, the slug for the post and the title link. This is also where you choose the text format, either markdown or HTML. It seems that there are enough options within this drop-down dialogue to ensure you get a good WordPress blog post from your Ulysses writing.

WordPress publishing with Ulysses in action

When I used this new Ulysses WordPress Publishing feature in the Mac version it immediately opened up the draft of a blog post in Safari. This is a good thing to do because it seems that the images you’ve added to your blog post don’t get uploaded to the website. This will need to be done on the WordPress site. You can set up for something else to happen of the going to the WordPress site automatically has soon as the publish button has been pressed and the upload has been made. I would say it’s probably a good idea to check if everything has been sent to the website correctly even if you don’t need to do extra work at such as the SEO settings.

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