Good and Geeky

Geeky Happiness is an iPhone 6

I am a happy iPhone 6 user

MyFitnessPal 00362

I did a lot the tracking to see how long it was going to take and exactly when I would get the iPhone in my sticky little fingers. You can imagine that I have been very busy playing with it ever since. I have been buying new apps to put onto it, including some health and fitness type applications. I need something that was going to replace the functionality I was getting from the Noom application on Android. I have found that MyFitnessPal is a hugely capable application and it is much better than Noom. There are a few good and geeky things that I like about it. MyFitnessPal allows me to scan the barcodes of food to add them to my log of foods eaten during the day. This by itself is excellent and makes things a lot faster. I was surprised to find that it also lets me scan things that are available in the Spanish supermarkets. Another thing which makes it faster to add food to my list of things eaten for the day is that I can add more than one thing at the same time. It knows that I often eat the same thing for a particular meal. So if I add Weetabix as the food for my breakfast, then it will offer me suggestions of other things that I often eat at the same meal. So I can just do two taps to add a cup of tea and a biscuit and then it will add those three things at the same time.

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Tracking my exercises and fitness

Apple made a big thing of the health benefits we might gain from using the iPhone 6. There is a Health Kit that developers can make use of for health and fitness applications. Applications such as MyFitnessPal link into the Apple Health application so that any information that gets logged in MyFitnessPal will be aggregated in the Apple application. I am also able to send information into MyFitnessPal from other applications such as MapMyWalk and MapMyRide. This also finds it way into the Apple Health app. I think it is pretty cool in the way that all works together. It is going to help me keep the kilos off as well as keeping fit.

Loving the Touch ID

It is really good the way that I can get into my phone without having to put in a code. It is really sweet way that it read my fingerprint and does it so quickly. I will be delighted when I have an iPad which also has Touch ID and thay good and geeky moment will arrive in a week or so. There are two applications that I use at the moment which also further protect my data by requiring me to use Touch ID to gain entry. This is the very important application of 1Password and the excellent journalling application DayOne. If anybody wanted to steal any of my personal information now they would have to cut my finger off. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

IPhone 6 goodness

The iPhone is clearly a quality product and feels lovely in my hand. Even so, I have put it inside a bumper case which protects the back as well as the sides. I don’t plan to put anything on the front of it as I’m not daft enough to put it in a pocket that has things in it that could scratch the glass. I am really pleased with getting the silver coloured iPhone with the white front and it looks really good. I will try to get the same colour combination when I buy the new iPad that will be available soon. It is really good to see that I have plenty of space left available on the iPhone after installing a lot of applications. I haven’t put all of the applications on that I own, but at the same time I didn’t really hold back much either. I put on all of the applications that I felt could be useful and I would be likely to use at some point in time. I also added the iPhone version of the OmniFocus get things done application as I expect the application to be a necessary part of my workflow during the winter. I have a lot to do with all of the books that I plan to write and I definitely need something to organise myself.

The iPhone 6 feels very fast in comparison to using my old iPad. It has a much faster processor and there are times when I am drawn to pick up the iPhone in preference of the two of them. I feel very productive indeed having the latest iPhone and being able to use such an excellent mobile device to get stuff done. It is great to be using quality again and not just be using something that is pretty good but not quite top tier.

Are you tempted to get yourself a new iOS device?

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