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Grey importing of the iPad

It can be done and many are importing an iPad into the UK from the US due to the delays announced by Apple of the iPad. It isn’t illegal because after all it is possible to bring back whatever when you go on holiday. I suppose you might be unlucky with having to declare some items when coming back in and pay duty on them, but you can do it.

Don McAllister brought back two iPads from New York on his last trip to the States. Well done Don. Some people are using companies set up specifically to offer this service, you can send them the money and they buy the iPad for you seeing as your credit card will probably hold you up because the billing address has to be what is on the card.

So if you are prepared to pay a it over the top and you are an impatient sort then you can get an iPad sooner rather than later. Apple are not making it easy though, despite some saying that they take a neutral stance on the matter. After all a sale is a sale.

So here is how to do it. The best way would be if you have a friend or a relative living ing the States, you send them the money, they order the iPad and get it sent to their address before they re package it and send it on. They might try marking it as a gift, or they might say that they are sending something that you left behind when you were there, so that you might sidestep the import duties. Customs people are all total bastards though and will probably not let you get away with that though. The taxes could be about £65 and I have no idea what it will cost to get the packet sent by UPS or similar.

Are you sure you want to do this? It will be so much cheaper and less hassle to be patient waiting like everyone else outside of the US. Funny I thought you would say that…. I want one and I want one now !!!! OK keep your hair on.

You will not be able to order from other places like Amazon and get them to send direct to you. Amazon will be looking for a US address too. You could buy one from EBay though that would work, but expect to pay a premium. Some enterprising people have bought iPads soley to sell on through the auction site

There is a company called BundleBox which is a good service to become acquainted with, because not only does it offer a complete US redirect service (including taking care of tax and import charges), but the company will even buy a device for you if you’re having difficulty paying for it on your credit card. That will cost you over £100 on top of the price of the iPad from Apple

So how serious are you about getting an iPad

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