Good and Geeky

iPhone Blogging Tips

There are huge advantages to blogging on iOS. The mobility you get from having the iPhone or the iPad with you and being able to write whatever you want and when do you want to. It’s easy to do something else quickly where ever you are. You don’t have to be tied to a desk with a desktop computer. What is the process actually like using the application is available.?

What are you going to use?

This depends on where you are doing your blogging. Whether you have a Blogger, WordPress or other type of blog. There are applications specifically made for blogging to Medium, WordPress and Blogger. Or is it better to use a blogging application like Blogo. Then there are writing applications such as Ulysses and Byword. These have publishing export possibilities to a number of different blogging platforms.

It’s all about the experience

While working on the desktop is a known experience and easy to deal with text and pictures. It’s not so defined when using something different like a an iPhone or an iPad. It’s not that it’s more difficult, it’s just that is different and you have to work out your workflows for dealing with text and pictures. Working on a small screen might seem like what it would be like opening your Christmas presents from outside the house through the letterbox on the front door. Fiddly and unsatisfying or is it the ultimate freedom for blogging?

Important questions for bloggers

How are easy it is to get the words onto the page. Can you do the dictation route for getting the words into your document? How easy is it to do the editing necessary to make sure your text reads properly. Will it be easy to get the pictures set the right size for your blog? Can you crop and size the pictures within the blogging software or does it have to be done beforehand? How are easy is it to add links and work with the meta data for the post? Can you work with the editor to set headlines and other page elements or do you need to work with HTML? Lots of questions to be looked at when it comes down to on your mobile device.

Using Blogo

Making Links

The text editor of choice

It’s may be you have a text editor you prefer using. I like using Ulysses for most writing but also have a number of other text that it is available. I will often write things in Drafts when I’m not sure where the writing is going to go eventually. You have some good ideas and start writing and later you think that will be good in a blog post. That is how this blog post started. I began in Drafts. I then downloaded blow go again. For some reason or other I had stopped using it previously. I think it was because I was able to make a blog posts in Ulysses. It’s very handy to have all of you are writing in one place. Ulysses is also very good for working with markdown which I prefer. It’s also easy to add images. I have had some difficulties in getting blog post to get published to WordPress. I’m not sure if that was a problem with Ulysses or if it was a problem with the WordPress set up.

Setting a header in Blogo

Blogging from a web browser

I have tried blogging in a Safari browser window. It is unsatisfactory unless you have an external keyboard attached. It is awkward to add links to your text if you have a long post. Specially if you are working on the iPhone with a smaller screen and you can’t see the buttons at the top of the post in order to click on them after you’ve selected some text for making a link. If you do have an external keyboard attached then you can use the keyboard shortcuts to get the job done nice and easily.

Creating links

Having internal links within your blog is a good idea and doing this within the linking facilities of the web browser experience is extremely easy. If you are using another application you need to get your links first and then paste them into the other blogging application. Working in split screen on the iPad it’s a simple job to do that. If you’re working on the small screen of the iPhone then it does get a little bit awkward at times. Having to switch applications quickly is not quite as easy. You do get used to it though. Quick double tap on the home button swipe across to get to Safari and copy the link from there. When you get back in to Blogo it asks you if you want to create a link from the URL it has detected. This just puts a link in without a proper link text, so it’s usually best to say no. Then all you need to do is to select the text you want to use for the link and paste your URL.

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