Good and Geeky

Mac20Q Podcast Rob Hanson

Rob is otherwise known as @Switchmac and he has a web site dedicated to new users of the Mac system. Some great information for switchers. Rob seems to have found it easy enough to switch but must have thought that the fears of some new users needed to be allayed.

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Rob uses PDF Pen if he gets PDF document that needs to do work on and send back to other people. We talk about Crayon Physics, an iPhone game.

We talk about Garageband as a tool for making podcasts and mention Ubercaster, which people like Stu Helm swear by. I did look at Ubercaster once but decided I was happy using Garage band and AmadeusPro for making my podcasts.

Favourite software is Coda from Panic Software for making web sites and is not terrible expensive. As far as buying things off iTunes is concerned well we got talking about Spotify.

iPhonography an iPhone photography site and Evernote on the iPhone – Your external brain. Did you know you can scan things into Evernote and have it do the OCR on it to make it searchable. Rob tells me about how he uses Spaces with certain spaces for certain tasks.

Growl gets a mention

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Rob's desktop set up

Rob's desktop set up

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