Good and Geeky

Scrivener – The Authors and Writers Software

In the next book I will be publishing – The Geeky Writers Workflow I will be mentioning Scrivener rather a lot. Scrivener is a big part of the funnel of the workflow. All of the idea generating, brainstorming and outlining is all geared to go into Scrivener where the real writing takes place. Even some of the outlining will get done in Scrivener. Then I will use Scrivener to send the final output of a document to its destination which will usually be a book for the Kindle Book Store. I even use Scrivener to organise my blogging activities.


Scrivener Offer

The good folks at Literature and Latte have given Good and Geeky Books a code for readers of the The Geeky Writers Workflow book to get a discount off Scrivener. A cool 20% off the Windows or Mac version of Scrivener when you get the book. If you can’t wait until the book is published on the Kindle Store here is a chance for you get the discount now. Subscribe to the list so I can let you know when the book has been placed on the shelves of the Amazon Kindle Book store. I will give you the code now and you don’t have to wait.

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Let me know what sort of writer you are. I’d like to hear from you.

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