Good and Geeky

All Together Now – Mac20Q – NoStylus – Spondicious – Good and Geeky

It’s All Good and Geeky

For about six or seven years now I’ve been writing on the Mac 20 Questions blog – Mac20Q. I’ve decided it’s better if I bring it into Good and Geeky. Same thing with the NoStylus website and also with my Spondicious website. The Spondicious site has been about my photography interest. Mac20Q has obviously been all about using the Mac, while NoStylus was all about using mobile technology. It really is all good and geeky stuff. To put it all together into one website just makes it easier for me to look after. It’s going to be much simpler to write for just one site than for a whole lot of them. If you are a follower of one of the sites that’s been merged, maybe you’d like to make sure you don’t miss anything by becoming part of the Good and Geeky Tribe. Sometimes I’ll be writing about things I’m doing with the Mac and other times what I’m doing with my iPad and iPhone. There’s still going to be my interest in art and photography as well as writing. All in one place now.



Switching between Mac and iOS

It seems it all kind of works together anyway. When you’re a digital artist it doesn’t matter which tool you pick up if the one you have in your hand is the one you need to do the job. The element of creativity being satisfied by using an application on my Mac or an app on my iPad is all good in the long run. I often will start something on the iPad and move over to the Mac. Maybe I need to do something in Affinity Photo or Affinity Designer or I just need to have a bigger screen to work with. There are plenty of other occasions when I go from the Mac towards the mobile platform. It could just be that I’m away from the iMac and the big screen. When you consider the quality of the iOS applications available to do digitally creative work or play, there are times when the iPad is just what I need. Fantastic digital creative apps like iColorama, Glaze and Enlight.

Favourite Writers Apps

My favourite writing app for years has been Scrivener and for about a year I have been using Ulysses instead of it. I needed an app which had a sister app on iOS. Ulysses fills that space nicely. It is simpler to use and yet is powerful too. But then Scrivener comes out with an iOS app and it gives me the pair of apps for writing work. So I am looking again at Scrivener and there are reasons why I would want to change. There is much more capability in the app especially for when writing large project like books and especially novels. Then again Ulysses is great for blogging due to the connections with WordPress and Medium. So that settles it. I’ll write for the blogs in Ulysses and write the books in Scrivener.

So I’m going to save a lot of time for myself not having to keep those three websites updated. There’s only so many hours in the day do all that needs to be done. It’s going to be great to concentrate all my energies into the Good and Geeky website. I think it’s going to be okay to have all my eggs in one basket. Like I said, it’s all good in geeky stuff anyway!

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