Good and Geeky

The Amazing iPad Web Site – iPad Resource

The Amazing iPad Website – A resource for iPad Users

David Allen

Hello welcome to the Amazing iPad website. My name is David Allen and I am an English iPad user that lives in Spain. I write about technology, especially technology that I really love to use and the iPad easily fits in that category. Seeing as you have arrived here, it is quite likely that you are like me where the iPad is concerned. I expect it is quite likely that you are an Apple fan also.

My Favourite iPad Apps

My favourite applications on the iPad do tend to change quite frequently, as I am always looking at new apps to write about. iThoughtsHD, the mind mapping app is an application that I am quite likely to use alongside the Mac. iThoughts HD is a great way to outline an idea or concept for an article that I would be writing, especially as I really don’t think in a linear fashion.

Quite often when I have my lunch, I will use the iPad to watch a movie or a video and I have found that AirVideo works very well for that, if I haven’t got around to converting the video and moving it onto the iPad. The iPad will also get used for checking e-mails in the morning, perhaps during breakfast. When I go travelling then the iPad has to be my computer that does all my work for me. On a recent trip to the Pyrenees in France, the iPad was very useful and I even used it to write a couple of articles while out on the road as it were.

On my Mac use I Dragon Dictation to dictate all of my articles, because it is so much faster than typing. I came to find out about how good this application is, because I was able to try out Dragon Dictate, the free iPad application. If you have read the Amazing iPad website from the start you’ll know that I quite like to try out as many text or note taking applications as I can find. Nebulous notes is one of my favourites and I also like Phatpad, for the handwriting recognition. Lately I have been discovering the applications for editing and enhancing photographs, finding that the iPad is very good for that too.

Please Contact Me

I would really like to hear from you if you have tips and tricks for getting better use out of the iPad. Perhaps you could let us know if you use the iPad in an unusual way. Don’t be shy, send an e-mail or leave a comment on one of the posts. You can also send in questions and I’ll do my best to answer them for you. It will also be great if you would like to tell me about apps that you would like me to review.

Can you do me a favour?

This is where I ask a favour of you. If you could give the Amazing iPad page on Facebook a Like, or if you find any of the articles to be useful give them a Google plus. It all helps to get the word out about the Amazing iPad so that I can build the site to be as useful as possible to us iPad users. Thank you very much if you are able to help us out that way.

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