Good and Geeky

ToDo Application for the iPad

Do you like staying on top of all your tasks and todo’s. I have been using ToDo for the iPad and it has much in there to recommend for  an application for iPad task management and productivity for busy tech people, the app Todo in the App Store iPad now. As we often see there is a launch sale that might make you jump at the chance to get this application that has GTD Support on the iPad. One of the super things about ToDo for the iPad id that like the iPhone little brother it syncs with your desktop, there is a desktop app you can download to do this job for you. You can also Sync with Toodledoo and Remember the Milk.

ToDo for iPad and Phone

Textexpander on the iPad and being able to use it within this application really makes sense, none of this writing things in Textexpander and then having to do the copy and paste thing – brilliant. The interface is built for the iPad and looks pretty stunning with a real world metaphor of looking like a planner. Just because it is working on an electronic does everything device it doesn’t have to look horrible. ToDo on the iPad looks good either in landscape or in portrait. There a lot of Todo applications for iPad and there will be another when iOS5 becomes available in autumn of 2011.

You can also do full task searching, have clickable phone numbers and URL’s in your notes and projects and there is a full calendar due date chooser. I like the way that there is the option to manage multiple tasks in one go with the multi select. You can hold Todo for iPad in your hand just as you would a daily planner and feel an burning motivation to be productive. Do you have a preference to GTD applications iPad based or for the iPhone? Will you look at all iPad apps available in this arena  in the app store for iPad or are you only interested in Omnioutliner for iPad.



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