Good and Geeky

PhotoPad by ZAGG Free iPad Photo Editing Software

Free photo editing software for the iPad

The Photopad by ZAGG is a photo editing app for your iPad, it also works on the iPod Touch and on the iPhone. You can do the basic things, like image rotation and image resizing and of course cropping. Often one of the simplest and easiest things to do with a photograph to turn it from a mediocre image into something reasonable, is to crop it and get rid of some of the background. You can do this with this iPad photo editing app from Zagg and best of all, the application is free.

iPad Photo App – ZAGG PhotoPad iPad Photo editing

This photo editing software for iPad, Photopad by ZAGG is from the same people that make the ZaggMate and ZAGGsparq. When you are looking at the application in iTunes in the App Store, you will see that they take the opportunity to tell you about their other products. I don’t mind that, seeing as, they are giving us Photopad for free.

Other facilities within the application include a paint bucket, you can use this to fill an area with a colour. You also have a colour selecting or colour selection tool, so that you can select the colour and then if you wish you can do a colour swap. Within your image in Photopad by ZAGG you can adjust the threshold levels to enhance your photo and you can also posterise the image. Using the posterise feature, basically limits the number of colours in the image, in the attempt to turn it into something that looks like a poster, rather than a photograph.

iPad Photo editing apps

When you are working with your iPad photos in the Photopad, you can adjust the colour and contrast. For example you might want to increase the contrast to give it more of a moody sort of look. It is also possible for you to adjust the tint, you might use this to give it that look you find in the old photos. You may also change the chromaticity, the best thing to do with some of these adjustments is to try them out and see what they do to your original image. I would suggest that it is probably a good idea to work on a duplicate of an image, just in case you do something weird and completely mess it all up.

By using the saturation adjustment within the ZAGG iPad photo editor, Photopad you can take a colour image and turn it into a monochrome, black and white. A photograph that has been an desaturated and turned into a black-and-white photo, always seems to look a little bit more arty.

IPad Photo editing

Getting the best uses out of out iDevices with iOS5 and ICloud

It is easy to work with your photos in the photo roll on your iPad or iPhone, with photos that you have taken yourself with the camera on the iPad. Or photos that will have come in through the Photo Stream, which is part of iOS 5 and iCloud. Now that we have the Photo Stream available to us, I believe it should be possible to have photo applications on the iPad 1 too, so that we can manipulate images on whatever iDevice we prefer to use. Using the iPad for photo editing, obviously will be better because it has a larger screen than the iPhone, so that we can see the image more clearly as we are editing. That way we will have the best of both worlds, using the better camera on the iPhone 4S and the larger screen real estate of the iPad. Do you have a favourite iPad photo editing software?

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