360 – Movie review

This evening I saw the movie '360' that had Anthony Hopkins and Jude Law in it as well as Rachel Weitz. I really enjoyed the film for its 1960s feel, But in a modern setting. There were a lot of different story threads in the movie, that you just kind of knew would somehow interlink together. Behind the story were the emotional hooks that had you wanting a prostitute to get away with the money and for the bad guy to get shot. The story had me wanting the sister of the girl to go with the other guy, the bodyguard and for the couple with the daughter to somehow manage to stay together.

Loads of hope and a story of love

There was the tension when the Brazilian girl was put in danger and you were really hoping that she would manage to stay in one piece. All in all the movie was a really well told story and incredibly enjoyable. It was nicely filmed and intelligently put together. Multiple shots in one view worked great with the whole seemingly unconnected threads that would slot together eventually. It was a movie about love and hope and only the Muslim guy and the assistant he loved from afar in Paris seemed to lose out.

Where did the money come from?

In the credits I saw that the BBC were involved in putting it together as were a number of other financial sources. I like the fact that it was a European movie shot in Vienna, Paris and London and that some of it was in foreign languages with subtitles. There was something very down-to-earth with this movie.