Anxiety Mac attack

I got a tweet today telling me about Anxiety which is a Free GTD application. I have downloaded it and I am looking forward to trying it out. Have to wait until tomorrow now as it is a bit late.

It can synchronise with your iCal and Mail accounts. It will be more useful if it had an iPhone App. Something I will be checking out when I have a better look in the morning.

I also want to tell you about a Twitter service called TweetLater. I have been using the free version of that and finding it useful. I can set it to auto follow someone that follows me and even to unfollow someone that is an unfollower. I have set it to send out a welcome message to new followers also. The paid version does a fair bit more though.

One thought on “Anxiety Mac attack

  1. kikocherman says:

    Good app, but the best one in my opinion is Things from Cultured Code. It costs 50 bucks but you can download a trial.

    David, I was wondering if I could be in one of your shows. I live in Brazil but speak fluently (with accent). My twitter is infosemanal and my email is

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