Mac20Q Podcast 125 – Life Logging, El Capitan, Video editing on iOS

I made a switch over to Android for my phone and my tablet for about 18 months and I did enjoy the first 12 months of it. After that I became increasingly fed up with the inability to upgrade the operating system on the phone. What was more annoying though, was the completely useless applications for editing video on Android. I am completely delighted to be all Apple again. I keep on getting amazed by the great applications to edit video on iOS. This week I have been trying out video applications from Fly Video Inc. They have a number of applications and I started with the application called Clips Video Editor . I also downloaded Fly, Tempo and Crop and I’m very impressed with all of them. They are all easy to use and have a different way of showing the video timeline. You use the application in portrait mode, with the clips you use one underneath the other. It’s very easy to trim the clip to the right length and also to add transitions. They have good sharing facilities for the videos when you have finished them.

Editing video on iOS

Fly Video Editing Application

For a start, it is good that the application forces you to use landscape mode when shooting video. When you have your clips available ready to edit you can switch from one clip to another just by touching the clip. You can also do side-by-side clips in the video as well as picture in picture. Fly Video Editor is a handy video editor for making quick little movies and have them ready for sharing.

Tempo video editing

The Tempo video editing application allows you to take a clip and change the speed of playback quickly and easily. Once you’ve done that you can save the clip to your photos library and use it in other video editing applications. All you have to do is to tap on the speed you are looking for as the video is playing at the point you want the speed change. You have two faster speeds and to slower speed to choose from and you can go back to normal speed whenever you wish.

Crop that portrait video

Shooting video in portrait should be outlawed, but so many people do it these days. They are just holding the phone that way and so they just press the button to start shooting video. I like the video applications which do not allow you to shoot in portrait mode. If you do come across a video clip that has been shot in portrait you can take this application called Crop on the Fly – Fly Labs Inc.. and make it the right shape. This is particularly necessary when you want to include these video sources alongside other video shots that have been shot in proper landscape mode.

Life logging book

Day One Journal app

I’m close to having the life-logging book finished for Good and Geeky Books. In the book I talk about using applications like Day One, Chronos, Heyday and Saga to do your journal keeping. I am particularly interested in how you can use journal keeping to improve your life. By writing about your daily life will soon know whether you are leading a boring life or not. You will soon know whether you are one of those people are making it happen, somebody who watches it happening or just one of those people who wonders what happened! In the book I suggest is a good idea to have a plan to do things you can write about in your journal. Go and take part in life events and to give some thought about how it all went down and to record it. Don’t just write about it, but also shoot video and record audio as well as taking photos.