Mac20Q Podcast 18 Chris Marshall

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Chris Marshall lives in the south of Spain and enjoys his cats and Harleys sharing his many Apple computers. Even his cats have their own web site, now that is definitely geeky. At least they have been spayed, thats’s the cats not the Harleys !! In his humble abode he has iPods coming out of his ears, in the bathroom, on the roof, probably in the bedroom also. You have to have music wherever you go.

Chris suspects that we mac users could be unofficial beta testers for many of the offerings from Apple. What do you think ??

As an instant message addict, he likes to use Adium as well as a bit of iChat and of course some Skype for chatting and video. Brings in photos mostly through Adobe Lightroom. A bit of photoshop for tidying up. A huge fan of iMovie using it to do work to collate footage shot off a helmet cam while trekking around on a Quad bike. Sounds like fun ??

Chris is obsessive about backing up after falling foul to not having backed up things properly before. He has backups using SuperDuper and kept in a firesafe offsite. Drop box is used but not for making backups, he uses it for sharing files around. Chris even has an Amazon S3 account but would not consider using the cloud back up way as a primary back up strategy.

A favourite app is iWatermark and I mentioned one I like called Jumpcut.

TvMaxPlus for having Tv on your Mac

Favourite iPhone Applications

QIKNote to Self and PDAnet

All used on a jailbroken iPhone and uses the maps book mark feature on it to know where the car is parked to be able to find it afterwards.