Mac20Q Podcast 36 John Herdman

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Click on the picture to listen to the podcast

Stargatejohn as he is known on Twitter is a fully fledged Mac certified technician and his business is called Stargate Computers. He specialises in getting Macs and PC’s talking together on corporate networks.

stargate-computers-mac-quick-tipsJohn has a site for Quick Tips and you can get it here. Find out more about your Mac and learn the insiders ins and outs of Mac usage.

John is an amateur photographer and I suggested a photography site I reckon is useful to all photographers. Strobist by David Hobby. I totally recommend it for learning about how to use external flashes / strobes with your camera.Whatever you do with your digital camera do not use the built in flash except for dire emergencies. In those cases use something to filter the light and better still use card or paper or a proper tool to bounce the flash so it is not coming direct from your camera.

Of course Don Mac Allister’s Screencasonline is mentioned. Best place to go to get videos to learn how to get the best from your Mac.

Remote Control for your PC/Mac
Rapidweaver Site