Procrastinating, writing and extending the storage on a Nexus 7


I seem to be just kind of messing around this morning, which is a shame seeing as there are things that I could do that would be useful.

Learning more about writing

I did some writing yesterday that was based upon the information I got from the book about how to use the show versus tell way of doing things. Showing rather than telling is the default way of good writing with just one or two exceptions. There might be an exception when it is needed to get some information into the story quickly to keep the pace of the story flowing. Another exception would be when you want to do either a flashback or some back story which needs to just be put in there quickly. I am about halfway through this book at the moment and I consider it a two euros well spent.

I did kind of feel that I was having a light bulb type of moment when I tried doing this in practice. It made me really feel that I just love writing. This makes me want to get started with the story that I have that could end up being a full novel.

More Farting about

It is now 11 o’clock and I only have one more hour left before I had to start getting ready for work and I probably won’t get much useful done in that hour either.

Nexus media importer

Extending the storage space on the Google Nexus 7

I bought the application today Nexus Media Importer to go with the on the go cable. I do need to do a little bit of fiddling around with the settings to get this to work. Basically what it does is to let me use external memory and storage with my android devices. This is more important with the Nexus seven on account of the fact that there is no SD card slot available within the device. Especially seeing as the Nexus 7 that I bought only has 16 GB of memory. I don’t actually own a USB stick to use with this extra cable at the moment I will have to order one. There is a possibility that in my drawer somewhere I do have a converter that will allow me to plug in one of my SD cards via USB. It is not going to be easy to find this item in my junk drawer.